Empty the purse and all interior pockets. Woven straw bags attract dust and dirt into the crevices; using your vacuum cleaner’s upholstery brush attachment is the best way to keep the straw free of dust and grime.
If you don’t have an upholstery brush attachment for your vacuum, place an old pair of pantyhose over the vacuum hose nozzle, and use a rubber band to hold it in place.
Someone vacuuming a straw handbag
Clean the Lining
If the straw bag has a fabric lining, vacuum it well, and spot treat any stains as you would on a fabric handbag. If the lining is removable, hand-wash it in the sink, and allow it to dry completely before reinserting.
Someone wiping the inside of a bag
Clean the Straw
For surface dirt, slightly dampen a clean cloth with water, and gently wipe the dirt away. This can help to brighten the colors of a straw handbag, as well.
To treat a heavily soiled area on the straw, mix a few drops of dishwashing detergent in 1 cup warm water.
Dip a toothbrush in the mixture and gently rub the stained area with the soapy toothbrush following the grain of the straw.
Wipe the area with a clean white cloth that has been dipped in water to remove any soap residue and loosened soil. Don’t wet the straw too much.
Make sure to do a spot test before beginning to ensure no discoloration or color bleeding occurs.
Someone using a toothbrush to spot clean a straw bag
Dry the Bag
Allow the bag to air-dry away from direct heat and sunlight.
A bag air-drying near a plant
How Often to Clean Fabric and Straw Handbags
All brands of fabric and straw bags will eventually need to be cleaned. If you use your handbag every day, clean it every two to three months. For special occasion purses, a good cleaning every six to nine months should suffice. Take the time to clean your bags properly to keep them looking like new.
How to Fix a Straw Handbag
If you have a straw purse with a loose or unfurling piece of straw, use hot glue to secure the piece back into place. If there is a small fray and your purse does not have a lining, there’s an easy fix; hot glue a small piece of any type of fabric to the inside of the purse where the fray is located to stabilize the problem. If you have a braided raffia bag and the outside of it is showing little fraying “hairs,” it’s okay to snip them off; it won’t hurt the bag.