There’s a reason a bag of chips is so much tastier than a plate of carrot sticks and dip. Manufacturers who produce processed food have one goal in mind. They want you to buy and consume as much of their product as possible. And one of the most effective ways to do this is to make it so delicious that it’s almost addictive.
Processed food is scientifically designed to appeal to your senses. A study of rats showed that when given extended access to palatable high-fat food, their brains reacted as if they were addicted to cocaine.
These are called hyper-palatable foods, as in they are created to be irresistible to your brain and your body. It’s hard to stop eating these foods because of the artificial flavors, coloring, emulsifiers, and other ingredients that appeal to all five of your senses.2
Sugar, fat, and salt are the main ingredients in processed food. Think about the flavors of each ingredient. From the sweetness of the sugar, the smooth, luxurious mouthful feel of the fat combined with the sharpness of the salt makes it very appealing to our tastebuds.2
Hyper-palatable food has few nutrients and high calories. It’s easy to over consume them because they are quick to eat and give us instant gratification. They are also usually cheap and very accessible.
Although it might seem like an uphill battle to stop craving processed food, there are ways to help reduce those urges.
A study looked at how the proximity of food relates to how quickly one consumes it. It showed that people consumed fewer chocolates, crackers, and grapes when they were located 20 feet away compared to at arm’s length.
It’s probably unrealistic to put a complete ban on processed food in the house, especially if you live with other people who aren’t willing to join your crusade. However, you can store your tempting food in areas that require some effort to get to.