
    Suri Cruise starred as the lead of her high school play


    Suri Cruise has acting in her genes. The daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise has been exploring acting, with there being reports of her starring in one of her high school plays.

    Cruise was cast in one of the lead roles of her high school’s end of the year production. She played Morticia Addams in “The Addams Family: A New Musical.” Audience members report being impressed by her work. “She was amazing,” they said. The publication claims Cruise thanked her teachers and classmates in her bio, and that she made no note of her parents.



    Despite her young age, Cruise has experience in various areas of the entertainment industry. Over the past year, Cruise performed a cover of “Blue Moon” that was featured in the movie “Alone Together,” written, directed and starred by Holmes. “She’s very, very talented,” said Holmes.

    While Katie Holmes protects her daughter’s privacy, it’s easy to tell that the two are very close.

    Katie has also discussed her daughter and the importance of motherhood on various occasions.