On Oct 28, the Burlesque star shared a series of photos on her Instagram of her latest, incredibly gorgeous and head-turning look. She shared the photos with the caption reading, “spooky szn 🖤 🩸💋.”
(She also tagged those who made this look possible: her makeup was done by Etienne Ortega, her style made possible by stylist Chris Horan, and her hair done by Igor Rosales-Jackson.)
In the first photo, we see Aguilera looking like a goddess in this all-leather look of a sweeper jacket, a boned and elaborately made black leather corset that shows off her mile-long legs. We then get a series of photos of her latest spooky photoshoot, including two close-ups of her smooth skin and vibrant blue eyes.
From this spooky, sexy photoshoot to her latest pin-up-inspired look, Aguilera has been turning every single one of her fans’ heads!