
    Thalia reveals she is ‘traumatized’ after being diagnosed


    Thalia might not be able to taste the delicious flavors of Mexican food as she was recently diagnosed with Dysgeusia, a distortion of the sense of taste. The singer and actress took to social media to share her concern about this rare and complicated health diagnosis.

    “I am traumatized, they [doctors] have just confirmed that I have Dysgeusia. It is an alteration of taste with a constant taste of salt, of metal 24/7 and I can’t stop feeling it. What do I do?” she explained distressedly.
    The telenovela icon said she is so depressed with her situation that to reduce the symptoms; she tries to “drink water with lemon, things with vinegar, and eat things with a lot of salt.”



    “It’s strange because my sense of smell is perfect,” she reveals. “I can smell everything; When I eat, everything tastes good to me, but after I stop eating, I have this constant taste in my mouth 2/7,” she said. According to Thalia, she has been dealing with this situation since the end of last year but kept it quiet because she thought that it was only a temporary illness.
    “They [doctors] say it could be months or maybe years, and no, I don’t play like that; please tell me if you have dysgeusia because I want to understand more,” Thalia asked her fans, who replied to her request by saying her Dysgeusia could be related to Covid or her kidneys.