Lucero, who recently celebrated her daughter’s debut in the world of musical theatre, has made an unexpected announcement on social media about her personal life. She and Michel Kuri, her partner of over a decade, have decided to take a break from their relationship.
The singer and businessman have expressed their hope that the break will be temporary. “From the deep love that Micho and I share, we want to share with you that for now, we have decided to put our beautiful relationship as a couple of many years on pause,” wrote Lucero in a message she shared on her social media on the evening of July 12th.
Kuri, the nephew of Mexican magnate Carlos Slim, did the same and simultaneously shared the exact text on his Instagram account. “The timing is playing tricks on us, work is consuming us, and we cannot share as many moments together and have the same level of interaction as we always have,” continued the actress, exposing the reasons that led them to make this decision.
The couple confirmed their relationship at the end of 2012, a year after Lucero’s official divorce from Manuel Mijares.