A Unique Bond Amidst Grief
‘Funeral Songs for Dying Girls’ by Cherie Dimaline offers readers a hauntingly beautiful narrative that delves into the powerful connection between two girls, one living and one spectral. The story centers around sixteen-year-old Winifred Blight, who lives with her father near one of Toronto’s oldest cemeteries. She has grown up surrounded by grief, as her father mourns the loss of her mother, who died giving birth to her. In a desperate attempt to connect with her mother, Winifred summons the ghost of a teenage girl named Phil instead.
The Depth of Friendship and Identity
Through their intimate friendship, Winifred finds solace from her loneliness and the anguish of unreciprocated romantic feelings. Phil’s presence offers Winifred a companion who understands her on a deeply emotional level. The narrative intricately weaves their stories, revealing Winifred’s Métis heritage and Phil’s Ojibwe background, underscoring the importance of cultural identity and history in their lives. Phil’s recounting of her life as a queer Indigenous girl in the 1980s adds a poignant layer to the novel, shedding light on the struggles she faced, moving from a reservation to the city, only to encounter further adversity that led to her untimely death.
Threats from Outside Forces
As Winifred and Phil’s bond strengthens, external threats arise. A ghost tour company seeks to exploit the cemetery, and Winifred’s con-artist cousin jeopardizes Phil’s secret existence. Faced with the prospect of losing Phil, Winifred is confronted with a difficult choice that could mean sacrificing her only home to protect her ethereal friend. Dimaline’s storytelling avoids dwelling on the mechanics of the supernatural, instead focusing on the deep emotional connections and the transformative journey of finding a sense of home within oneself.
The Emotional Resonance of the Supernatural
Cherie Dimaline’s ‘Funeral Songs for Dying Girls’ captivates with its lyrical prose and rich emotional landscape. It’s a story about finding home not as a physical place but as a profound feeling shared with those who matter most. This novel is a testament to how connections can transcend the boundaries between life and death, offering a compelling exploration of grief, identity, and the power of friendship.