
    The body needs these forms of movement every week


    Walking has earned a reputation as a great form of exercise that’s easy and accessible for many people, and scores of studies show the popular activity has numerous health benefits, too.

    Getting at least 2,300 steps per day reduces your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to one study published in a 2023 edition of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.
    In addition, weight-bearing exercises such as walking help prevent osteoporosis.
    Yet some experts in the health and fitness fields assert that while walking is certainly good for your health and fitness, it’s not really high-quality exercise.



    First is the movement your body is owed or requires every day, such as walking, stretching and bending. Second is athletic movement, which you can do a few times a week to improve your fitness or to train for a sport. Third is social movement that you do for fun or to connect with others, such as dancing or playing volleyball.
    Our bodies need to move in many different ways
    Yoga and Pilates are two activities that are very effective and healthy in this regard

    Having loose, pliable muscles also means you will have more balance and stability, which helps prevent falls and injuries in all physical activities. It’s also good to get your heart rate up several times a week for cardiovascular health.

    Ideally, you should create a plan that incorporates daily movements, such as walking and stretching, with some cardiovascular work, strength training and social activity sprinkled throughout the week.

    Breaking down all these different movements into exercise snacks is one way to sneak in the movement your body needs.

    Rethinking exercise as regular movements your body needs for functionality, fitness and social connection also can be a means of giving yourself permission to carve out time for working out

    It’s also helpful to keep in mind that creating an exercise plan doesn’t require an immediate, massive change in your lifestyle. In fact, it’s better to start slowly with new, little chunks of movement.