The Colombian superstar is featured in “Griselda,” the new Netflix series starring Sofia Vergara and exploring the story of the drug lord Griselda Blanco. In a new Instagram post, Karol teased a little bit of her character and shared some photos alongside Sofia Vergara.
Karol shared various BTS images, showing her enjoying the set and having fun while playing the character of Carla. She shared some photos alongside her costars Sofia Vergara and Paulina Davila, and some videos of the shooting process. She closed out the video with an edit made by a fan that shows Carla introducing herself and looking cool while she meets Griselda, dances, and more. “My name is Carla,” she captioned the post.
“Griselda’s” creators, Eric Newman and Andres Baiz, discussed the introduction of Karol G into their series, and how exciting it was to make that decision. When discussing how Karol G was brought onboard, Newman shared that it was the idea of Luis Balaguer, one of the series’ executive producers.
Karol G has previously discussed acting, and how much she enjoyed being involved in a series like “Griselda.” “It’s a great role because there’s real character development,” she said in an interview with Billboard. “[Carla] is a character that evolves. She sees what she does as a job but also as a way to maintain her family, and she’s tough!”
She also revealed that acting added granted her some new tools as a performer.
“Griselda” is now streaming on Netflix.